Alternate history

I once was fascinated by the concept of alternate history. You know- history that had gone differently at some point from our real history. But I was not interested in disaster stories such as 'what if the Nazis won the war'.

I wanted alternate history that was BETTER, not worse.

I tried and I tried. I went back to Roman times, to Greek times.

I had Persia not fall to Alexander. I had Carthage beat Rome. I had Carthage win and survive, but not conquer Italy, so Rome survives too.

But I could not come up with an alternate history that was as interesting as our real history.

I guess that is why I eventually turned to writing history.

God gave us such a wonderful and interesting real history!

And most of us don't even know most of it. Most of us know very few of the best parts, and very little of the whole at all.

And I have found many wonderful things in our real history that most people don't know about.

The entire history of Persia, India, China, ancient Egypt, and their world. A world of wonders most of us know very little about. A world worthy of Tolkien.

None of which could be improved upon by alternate history.

That is the subject of my 'Song of the Age of Wonder'- which I am in the process of putting on my DeviantArt page right now!

Look it up to read about our world's real history- it starts with 'Atlantis, the Purple Shores and the Black Land Half as Old as Time' about ancient Egypt and Minoan Crete and their world, and you can find a list of the entire core of the series right after the title page!

And what if the Nazis won the war?

Read 'One Bright, Shining Moment When Men Could Fly The Real-life Science Fiction Story of the Early Space Program' to find out what would have happened if the Allies won the war!

Which they did. For 'One Bright Shining Moment' is a real history.



David S. Annderson