1Z-3: I Beg of all good Christians in America

Learn the price of opposing abortion.

I'm not talking about anything directly connected to the abortion issue. Abortion is not a major Liberal issue for most of us Liberals.

I'm talking who you voted for in order to oppose abortion.

Donald Trump kidnapped immigrant children on the border, took them away from their families, and put them in prison.

This is the price of opposing abortion.

You have to learn to pick and choose what is the more important fight.

No Democrat would have ever done a thing like that.

President Biden cannot fix this.

President Biden cannot find the families of all those children.

I'm sorry. I sympathize with you.

Pray to our good God and He will help you find strength.

It is okay if you don't have the strength. You don't have to fight this. Maybe this is not your fight.

Take care of yourself. Take care of your own mental health. We Liberals can handle it.

But if you do want to save the world, forget about the abortion issue.

Donald Trump is an inhuman monster. It is more important to oppose the inhuman monster.

It is okay if you sit this fight out.

Don't worry about it. Take care of yourself. God will save this poor world.

But if you do want to save the world, please, don't do harm by voting for a monster just because he opposes abortion.

I'm sorry to be so heavy. If this is not your fight, don't worry about it. Just take care of yourself and have faith that God will save us all.

God loves you! Don't cry! God will save us! God got us through far worse times than this! Just ask any WWII vet!

God got us through far worse times than this!

God loves you! Hold your head high! Rejoice! God is in the process of saving us as we speak!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. If you are a Christian Liberal, thank you! This is not about you!

P.P.S. I don't hate conservatives! God loves you! I'm so sorry it is so hard right now!

In fact, to tell the truth, I'm really more of a conservative myself. But I'm more like a Buddhist conservative from Japan or India. The kind of Buddhist conservative that most conservative CEO's in America would call a Hippy. I follow the old traditions that America, God bless her soul, is not even aware of yet. And I believe in Christ. I am as much a Christian as anything! And I believe in America. In this time of crisis (the past since 1914, especially through the 20th Century) America has done wonderful things! We saved the world from Hitler and Stalin, and rebuilt the world from the World Wars! And I believe in all the good things that America stands for! God loves you!