Defending James Webb

There are people out there who want us to rename the James Webb Space Telescope because when James Webb was the head of NASA, there were United States government employees who were fired for being gay, including employees at NASA.

Why are we blaming James Webb for this?

What do you think he was, President of the United States?

James Webb was just an employee, nothing more.

He had a boss.

He was not the boss.

He took his orders from the President and Congress.

This was not something that was specific to NASA.

This was a general government policy that was wrong.

James Webb was not President of the United States.

He was just another employee.

Give the guy a break.

God loves you!

But God does not want you to blame someone for their boss's sins!

But God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. It was not the President's fault either. The President and Congress at the time were reforming as much as they could! It took time!

P.P.S. Most people were not against homosexuality in 1960. Most people in 1960 did not even know homosexuality existed! I know I didn't when I was a kid in the 1980's, and I was intelligent and aware enough to know that when Patti Labelle sang 'How I Miss My X' to the letter X on Sesame Street that she was really singing to an ex-lover! But when I first heard a woman refer to her girl friends as girlfriends, my response was that she can't have girlfriends because a girl can only be attracted to a boy! Not that it was not allowed, but that it did not exist, just like the sky is not pink! So for most people in 1960, a government policy of firing people for homosexuality would make about as much sense as a policy of firing a government employee for proving that the sky is pink, or green, or a policy of firing someone for having a second head! That was why it took so long to stand up for the rights of gays! Because most people in the old days did not know that gays even existed!