Boy I get tired of commercial websites

I was just looking around the Internet (through Google) reading about famous guitarists- famous Gibson players and famous Strat players. Everything seems to be commercial magazine-like websites devoted to :P modern music. :P:P Not discussions of modern music, but discussions supposedly about all music, but only mentioning players of metal, pop metal, and other modern music, except for a token shout out to Jimmy Page. Where's the 60's, the 70's and the great classic style players of today? Where's Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Duanne Allman and Warren Haynes? Let alone the people I really wanted to read about, the less-publicized legends such as John Cippolina of Quicksilver Messenger Service? There was even a Houston magazine article (the first thing that came up when I googled 'famous Gibson players') that put Gibson players against Strat players just so they could dump on the 60's by picking Clapton's solo strat years over his Cream years and picking Jimmy Page over Jimi Hendrix!!! (the other players were all modern, 80's-type players. It was supposed to be the greatest players of all time. No, Jeff Beck, Jerry Garcia and Duanne Allman did not make the list.) I hate commercial websites. I wish it were easier to find good, honest fansites.

Have a good day and don't let commercialism get you down!

David S. Annderson