This is Why We Have Hate and Fear!

Every emotion that we feel has a purpose.

God put those feelings inside us for a reason.

Sadness allows us to deal with pain in a positive, healing way.  Facing it together with someone builds the deepest relationships we have.

But there are some emotions that are not there to be emotions.    They are there to tell us when we need to act.

Hate and fear and pain are such emotions.

Fear and pain are warnings, warning us to action.

Hate is telling us that we need to oppose something, defeat it or fix it.

These emotions should be treated as what they are.

Not emotions to be felt, but warnings telling us to act.

Sadness, joy, love, excitement^, these are emotions that are meant to be felt.

Fear and hate and pain are not meant to be felt.

They are warnings telling us to act.

And so we should treat them as such.

Not dwell on the feeling, but see what way we need to act, to fix things, to help someone, to make things better.

For that is what hate and fear are for.

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. I just came from the Youtube video 'Therapist reacts to Inside Out' (the Pixar film.)

^Fear as a feeling to be felt is like cayenne pepper.  In small amounts, it becomes Excitement, and is indeed a feeling to be felt and enjoyed!