And we honor our heroes in uniform

And of course this means people in the millitary...

But why don't they often honor all the other people who sacrafice themselves for us?

Like policeman and firefighters?

We used to.

And outside of America, maybe they still do.

So here's to all the good police, and firefighters, and paramedics, and test pilots, and others...

and, of course those in the millitary who are trying to save people's lives too.

And the doctors and paramedics and nurses! We need you!

Thank you all!

(Since I wrote this, I am glad to report that thanks to the Coronavirus pandemic we have gone back to paying tribute to firefighters and other First Responders (as we now call them) in addition to the millitary. I am so glad! I am keeping this now out-of-date message up as a tribute to our heroes in uniform, of course including those in the millitary, but including First Responders as well. Thank you all!)