The Siva Lingam

In many cultures in the past, the penis was a sacred symbol, symbol of the divine power to create new life.

In India today, in Siva worship, God's penis is a sacred symbol, the Siva Lingam.

This is not an obscene symbol.

This is a symbol of the power to create new life.

It is the Western idea of the penis as obscene that is false.

What is the penis for?

Sexual pleasure?


It is for the creation of new life.

It is for creating babies.

We would think it rediculous if someone thought of a woman's uterus as obscene.

The penis is no different.

It is the Siva Lingam, a wholesome sacred symbol of the creation of new life, that fits the biological reality of the penis.

It is nothing to be afraid of. Nothing to demonize. Reproduction is a miracle, a wonderful thing, not an obscene thing.

In the West we associate the penis with sexual pleasure. That is why we are embarrased by it. We need to get over it, and stop obsessing over sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure is part of life, and not something to be scared of. And it is not as important as the creation of new life.

Let's not be afraid of our reproductive capacity. Let's celebrate the creation of new Life!

All the while recognizing that there are too many humans on the planet, and maybe we should adopt instead.

But that's another story.

Let's celebrate the creation of new life! And not worry about the rest! And not be embarrassed about ourselves! Men can be as beautiful and as kind as women, and men can be good fathers!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson