There is no God but God and Muhammed is His Prophet

This is the central belief of Islam.

As someone who was raised Christian, I know Christians already believe that there is no God but God.

Allah is not the islamic God. Allah is the Arabic name for God. The same one Arabic-speaking Christians use for the Christian God.

Christians already believe that there is no God but God.

Is it so hard to believe that Muhammed might be a Prophet of God too?

Especially when Islam recognizes all the Prophets of The Bible, including Jesus as one of the most important Prophets, and recognizes The Bible itself as a holy book alongside The Qu'ran!

Christians and Muslims should join together!

One loving community in God, respecting each other's beliefs, and appreciating how much their beliefs have in common!

If Christians and Buddhists have no trouble getting along, than Christians and Muslims should definitely join together into one big wider family!

After all, what Christian could object that there is no God but God, and why should Christians object that Muhammed was a Prophet too!

We have so much in common!

Christians and Muslims should join together!

As once they did under the Caliphs, or successors as King, to Muhammed under the great early Caliphs!

As once they did under the great early (pre-1350) Kings of Castile in Spain!

There is no God but God, and Muhammed is his Prophet!

And Jesus brings His message and love!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. I am a religious universalist. I believe in Christianity and Muhammed both!

P.P.S. There are Islamic terrorists because many people in the Islamic middle east are in pain. They lost Paradise. We in the West destroyed their Paradise. The Islamic world at the beginning of the 19th Century in the days of Muhammed Ali Pasha of Egypt was a Paradise at its very peak. We in the West destroyed that. They lost Paradise. They are in pain. Pity them. Pity them, they are in pain. Not everyone handles that pain as well as most Muslims in places like Egypt do. Pity them, they are in pain, deep terrible pain. Cry for them. Do not fear them. They are only people in pain. God will save us all!