Orcs in Middle Earth: Only Evil By their Boss

Now here I would like to take on Tolkien's ideas on race.

Middle-earth does not classify people according to skin color.

To find out Tolkien's ideas on race, you need to look at the relations between elves, humans, hobbits, and dwarves.

Which is to say, that Tolkien tells us that it is better for different races to respect each other, try to understand each other, and to try to get along.

But just one thing.

What about the orcs?

How can there be an evil race?

There isn't.

There is no evil race in middle earth.

The orcs are not evil.

Their boss is.

The orcs are like Nazi soldiers in World War II.  They are not evil as people.  Their boss is evil.  They are simply doing the bidding of their boss.

Only the orcs have been in the Dark Lord's army for thousands of years.

The orcs are not evil.

Their boss is.

The orcs are the way they are because their ancestors have been raised in the Dark Lord's evil army for many generations.

Before the orcs were enslaved by the Dark Lord, they were elves like any other elves.

Before the trolls were enslaved by the Dark Lord, they were ents like any other ents.

There are no evil races in Tolkien.

The orcs are not evil.

Only their boss is.

And what did Tolkien's main heroes do with people who had been in the army of the Dark Lord once they were free?

They pardoned them, and welcomed them back into civilization.

Like Aragorn and the Dunlendings.

That is Tolkien's ideas.

God loves you!


David S. Annderson