George Washington's Horses and Hounds

Once I was reading about presidential pets- animals kept by Presidents of the United States in the White House- and guess who had more animals at the presidential mansion than any other save only for Teddy Roosevelt?

George Washington!

Before the White House was even built, George Washington, the Father of Our Country, had some 14 hounds and 9 horses with him at the early Presidential mansion!

This is great!  It makes me feel like I know the guy!

George Washington the wealthy landowner and cattle baron, or his world's equivalent, with all his horses and hounds!

Aristocrat of the frontier, riding out with his hounds out in the countryside!

I love getting a glimpse at the real man behind the legend!

Anyway, just thought I'd pass the story along!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. The Founding Fathers may have been the woke liberals of their day, but there was obviously more than a little of a John Wayne type character in George Washington!  I wonder what the people of New York City and Philadelphia thought when George brought all his horses and hounds with him!

Granted, New York City and Philadelphia were more like the Portland and Tacoma of their day at the time than New York and Philadelphia today!