As Beyonce Said, You're A Survivor!

When you're stressed and this world is getting you down

Remember the words of Beyonce!

I'm a survivor

I'm not gonna give up

I'm not gonna stop

I'm gonna work harder!

I'm a survivor

I'm gonna make it!

I will survive

Keep on surviving!

If you need more, just listen to the entire song, or look up the whole lyrics to the song!    'Survivor' by Destiny's Child- Beyonce's masterpiece!

And remember, whatever you are going through, other people have gotten through the same thing and made it!

France and Germany got through two World Wars, you'll make it just fine!

Keep your head up!

You'll get through this!

God loves you!  You're a survivor!


David S. Annderson

P.S. One of the finest songs ever written, equal to any Schubert Lied or Dylan song!  Among the finest words ever written, as song lyrics or otherwise!