Melons, Mastodons, and Rescue by Humans

I used to look at melons and think, what distributed their seeds in the wild?  Wild elephants?

Edible fruit are meant to be eaten, so that the seeds can be carried to new places while passing through your gut.

If you swallowed a black watermelon seed, it would not germinate inside you- it would pass through your gut and sprout in the ground like it's supposed to.

So what ate melons and distributed its seeds?  Wild elephants?

Apparently, yes!

Wild melons went extinct in many places following the extinction of mammoths and mastodons- but lived on long enough for many of them to be domesticated by humans as gourds and melons!

Wild melons still live to this day- in Africa and India, where wild elephants still live!

But many of them have been domesticated my man, where they found a perfect second partner in their symbiosis, being cultivated by man and thriving as part of civilization, where gourds have been so useful as bowls and things like that over the millennia, in addition to some of them being edible melons!

And so man has taken over where the mastodon left off!

Quite an interesting story!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. large animals like elephants are wonderful for distributing seeds, since they have to wander far and wide to get enough food, and the seeds travel far!

Human civilization is also a wonderful symbiosis partner for so many plants and animals!