My view of economics

We have plenty of food.

Our world is swimming in stuff. Most of it we don't need.

We have plenty of food. The renewable resources of our planet will not go away- especially if we take care of the Earth.

The rest is extras. Nonessentials.

Don't worry about the economic future of the world, or America.

We have plenty of food.

The rest is extras we don't need.

So spend the rest of your life taking care of your mind, protecting your mind from fear.

For we have plenty of food. Over half of the food we grow in America we use as animal feed. We have plenty of food.

The rest is extras we don't need.

So spend the rest taking care of your mind and protecting yourself and others from fear.

And if you really want to help our economic future, be a tree-hugger! Protect the Earth! Protect the ecosystems that grow our food! Every little bit helps!

And let's work on making the inner cities a healthier, more beautiful environment, a better habitat for Man! Apply environmentalism to the inner cities, make them beautiful! For we need a nice, pleasant home more than we need wealth!

That's my view on economics.

For we are swimming in wealth- wealth that we don't need!

All we really need is food, clean water, good air and a healthy mind free from fear! And a beautiful, pleasant home matters more than all that wealth!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. Economics is important if you want to know how civilization works, as a historian or a scientist studying civilization. If you want to know how civilization works, what drives history, there's nothing better than learning economics. If you want to understand the world today, the world on the news, there's nothing better than learning economics. But it is not essential to our individual well-being! We already have more wealth than we need! A mind free from fear and a beautiful, pleasant place to live are far more important!