1Z-2: Apply Enviromentalism To The Inner Cities!

Why are there problems in the inner cities?  They are a bad enviroment!  They are a poor habitat for the human species!

Apply Enviromentalism to the inner cities!

Wanna help the inner cities?

Apply enviromentalism to the inner cities!

Reduce pollution!  Make it more green!

Think... what do we need to make a livable habitat for the human species?

That's why we haven't been successful in overturning the problems of the inner cities!

We haven't yet realized that they are an enviromental problem!

Apply enviromentalism to the inner cities!

Make them a livable enviroment!

I live in a poor inner city neighborhood.

Just a few blocks away are troubled neighborhoods that have problems with crime.

But in this neighborhood, we have trees, and nice yards with grass, and a corner store where the people who run it are always nice to the neighbors.

There is no crime here, and the people are happy and nice like they are in a middle class neighborhood.

You can do this in your neighborhood!

Plant flowers, make a community garden!

Paint a Mexican-style mural, of pretty things and joyful people!

Play joyful healing music like Tupac or OutKast, rather than negative commercial music!

And simply reach out to your neighbors!

This is not a material thing.  It has nothing to do with how much money you have.

This is an artistic thing.    It matters whether a neighborhood feels like a colorful joyful place, or a dark grim industrial nightmare.

Apply enviromentalism to the inner cities!

And creating a good environment for Humanity is an artistic thing!

Plant a community garden!

Play positive music like Tupac!

Create a Mexican-style mural like they do in Mexico City!

Apply enviromentalism to the inner city!

Make it a livable enviroment!      In an artistic way!  For positive artistry is a necessary part of a good environment for the human species!

    That will make all the difference!


                    David S. Annderson