Captain America: Civil War and slavery

I hate being negative.  I really do.

But I feel a responsability as a critic to expose a lie.

First things first: this is just a movie.  This is just a stupid movie.  This is nothing to get upset about.  I'm sure people have said far worse things in movies.

The plot of Captain America: Civil War:

The UN wants to register superheroes as government slaves.

And the f@cking movie is not certain that this is a bad idea.

Unless they are complete idiots, this is not merely for gathering information.  You want information on Iron Man, you simply look him up on the Internet like any celebrity.

In terms of abilities, I am smart enough to be, in terms of intelligence, the equivalent of a minor superhero.

Should I be a government slave?

What about Stephen Hawking, who is an intellectual equivalent of Iron Man and way beyond me, or Elon Musk, who pretty much is a real-life Tony Stark?

I hope you said no.

Because if you were lucky enough to have great gifts, that could have been you as well.

Just say no to turning the gifted into slaves.

I almost gave up watching the MCU because of that movie.

(the MCU has been hit and miss since then- but what hits!)

Fortunately, I knew that Black Panther should be considered apart from the MCU!

Anyway, don't despair- it's just a stupid movie.

The world is full of sunshine and flowers- literally.

Have fun and enjoy yourself!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. yes, if there were superheroes, they should be held accountable for their action.  That is what law is for.    But you are not a criminal until you break a law!

We hold people accountable After they break the law, not before!

P.P.S. It was not the superheroes that caused the destruction in the fictional Sokovia anyway- it was Tony Stark's irresponsible pushing of untested new technology before it was proven- and yet we do not make Elon Musk, our real-life Tony Stark, a government slave- there are just some things that you cannot regulate!  Sometimes you simply have to teach your children well and hope for the best!      Yes, we should be responsible in the way we develop technology- but regulation is not always the answer!