1Z-1: Why has the world forgotten what to do with a bright sunny day?

You celebrate it!

Every day is a day that the Lord has made!

Is the Sun in the sky? Are the green trees beautiful? Are there birds in the sky?

Celebrate it!

Sing a happy tune and celebrate it! Like Vivaldi's Spring Concerto!

Celebrate it and be happy!

Let's be like the late 90's! In 1997 we said you know what, our cities are dirty, there's crime in the streets, and our president likes to cheat on his wife, let's be happy!

And we were! We were happy!

Celebrate it and be happy!


David S. Annderson

P.S. If you thank God or are thankful, it will make you happier! And if you keep thanking God or being thankful, eventually you will realize you are right!