1h: A Natural High: How to Have Psychadelic Dreams

I have been high many times, though I have never taken any substances. (Yummy girls don't count. :) ) First of all, sexy thoughts and laughter with a free mind- or, better yet, the actual presence of someone sweet and yummy, plus a few good jokes and a free mind- can get you a bit high, and sleep depravation does strange things to the brain. Not that I think normal sleep depravation will help- no, these were times I was caught up in something fun, like an Asimov book or something on the Internet, just a little bit more and I will have dinner, and I look up and- oops! It's morning. I meet a yummy friend of mine, share a few jokes, it hits me the right way and- boom!- I'm giddy for the next few hours, flying high as a kite on pure giddiness.

But those are mostly just fun highs- to a true hippy getting high is only a means to an end, a way to expand your mind, not that you can't pursue fun highs too, and with one exception, the real life-changing highs have all been dreams.

And much more vivid and wonderful than any normal waking high I have had.

And you can affect those dreams.


Your thoughts and mood as you slip into sleep have a powerful affect on your dreams.

And don't ignore the state of being half-asleep, somewhere between sleep and awake. This is a very powerful dream-state, and this seems to be what marijuana, LSD and shrooms try to re-create, or at least approximate. That, and the fully-asleep dream state. And by shaping your experience, you can have some very powerful experiences.

First of all, how do you affect your mood at the moment you slip into half-sleep, and the moment you fall asleep completely, when you don't know when those will happen?

Music. Put on an album or symphony and most likely it will still be playing when you slip into half-sleep. If it isn't, and you can't put it on Repeat for some reason, just press Play again and forget it.

Choose music that makes you feel a very special kind of feeling. It's not the music that's important- it's how it makes you feel. A warm, glowing, special feeling is what you want. And if you can put the music on repeat, so much the better.

Next put your mind in a good place. Make yourself feel good, warm and sweetly blissful. Get in bed, put the music on on an ideal volume, on repeat if possible, and get ready to dream.

Let your mind wander freely and openly. Let your thoughts go where they will. Enjoy it.

Don't be afraid to have sexy thoughts. Think of yummy girls or boys who make you feel good. Think delicious thoughts about them. Be sure and love them back- think of how fond you are of them, of how precious they are to you, even if you have never met. This is essential and makes sexy thoughts- at any time- a much more powerful experience. Even if you never get high, never reach a dream state, your mind will have been expanded at least a little. And just let your thoughts wander, freely and openly.

Once you wake up again, think about your dreams. Go through them in your head. Write them down, at least in a brief outline. This way, they will stay with you forever.

Be sure to enjoy the dream you have just had, and don't cut short the state of being half-asleep coming out of the dream unless you have to to get to work or school on time or something- and don't forget to think about, enjoy and re-live your dream after you are fully awake.

One more thing- don't give up because you had a nightmare, and don't give up on music that has given you good dreams just because you had a nightmare. Sometimes nightmares were meant to happen.

And what kind of dreams will you have? Yours may be quite different from mine, I don't know, but read Short Stories 2013: The Flight of Dreams and People of the Lost Forest to get to know some of mine. Keep in mind that when I was there, it was a very vivid, intense (but not stressful, tiring or tense) experience, much more vivid, much more wonderful, and much more REAL than ordinary or even normal beyond-ordinary reality.

You will find your own dreams- and it will blow your mind.

I have included this article at the bottom as a text (txt) file for you to share with your friends and everyone. Enjoy!