1Z-1: How I have plenty of money- learn how!

I recently heard on a video that a friend was watching that 2/3 of Americans right now are living from paycheck to paycheck.

I am not.

I am living on SSI.

And yet I am not living paycheck to paycheck.

Wanna know how?

I consume less.

I consume less and live a simple life.

I learned this from my mom.

(Thanks, Mom!)

Who learned it from her dad, who grew up in the Great Depression.*

I have little money.

But I have more than enough.

And I am not living from paycheck to paycheck.

The key to all this?

I consume less!

We need to learn to consume less to help the Earth.

But if you consume less you will have much more money left over too!

I do not rent an entire apartment. Only a room. It is perfectly pleasant sharing a house or an apartment and only having a room, if you find nice normal people. (Most people would be just fine!) If this is not ideal, I'm sure other people on the Internet have more ideas for less expensive housing!

I cannot teach the rest of what I do to get by on little money- it is habit I learned from my mom as a small child.

But a lot of other people on the Internet can teach you how to consume less, use less money, and live a simple life.

A lot of other people on the Internet are teaching these things. Simply search things like living off the grid, and how to save money at home, and things like that.

But that is my key. I learned how to, by habit, consume less and spend less and appreciate a simple life from my mom. And thus I have much more money left over.

I just thought I would pass on whatever of it I could teach- other people on the Internet can teach the rest! (And no, you don't have to live off the grid! I don't!)

And you'd be surprised at how nice having a simpler life consuming less can be! You could find yourself much happier consuming less!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. Do you have children? Each person in your family, child or adult, could be living on as little as me! If you have three children and no other adults, you could live on no more than four times what I live on! In theory, at least! Perhaps even less, I don't know! And SSI does not give out that much to single adults, even here in California! Other people on the Internet can teach the practice to go with the theory!

*If you have read my 'Big Trees, Epic Life Life in the Temperate Rainforest', this is the same grandfather that took us to see the Sequoias!