1Z-3: God designs the world around our free will!

I know the answer to the Free Will vs. God question. Here it is:

God knows us.

God knows what choices our Free Will will make.

God designs the Universe around what choices he knows our Free Will will make!

So then, why is there evil?

There is only temporary evil.

God only allows evil to happen in order to create greater good.

If you think something is evil, it's because you haven't gotten to the good part yet.

But the world we know is only a very small part of the Universe.

The world we know is the part of Creation devoted to evil- to allowing evil to happen so that we can get something good out of it.

We will pass out of this part of creation. Then we will get the rest of the reward. Because this reality is just a bad dream.

We will get the full reward only when we pass out of the bad dream.

Then the difficulties will have made us stronger.

And that strength will be the biggest part of the reward.

And there will be no permanent harm.

Because it is just a dream.

Evil is not from Free Will.

Evil can only exist if God allows it.

God will only allow evil to exist in order to create greater good.

We will get so much good out of the evil in time that the evil will be insignificent by comparison.

Evil is not from free will.

God is using the evil to create greater good.

We will get the rest of the reward in Heaven, for Heaven is the bigger part of creation, the main reality of our existence.

Until we get there, we should just not let evil get to us.

Like the Roman Stoics taught.

Just don't let it get to you.

And you will have heaven in your own mind in this very life, because then the pain won't get to you.

And you will be able to appreciate all the beauty and wonder all around you. And the pain won't get to you.

Don't forget to look for the beauty and wonder all around you! It's out there! So much beauty and wonder is still out there!

And that will be heaven, right here on Earth!

What do you think?

David S. Annderson