1Z-1: Why Democrats support Abortion: should a woman die for wanting an abortion?  (Sorry for sounding harsh!  God loves you!  I hate this divisive issue!)

First of all, I wish the whole abortion issue would just go away and leave us alone!  Stop hurting us, and stop making conservatives scared of Liberals!

Second of all, I say Democrats because this is not a defining Liberal issue.  It has nothing to do with freedom or loving people of all races.  It's not the kind of thing that John Lennon writes songs about.  But we are trying to save lives.

Third of all, I have to say that in theory I agree with Republicans on this.  I want to protect all life.  But it is supporting abortion that saves lives in practice!  Sometimes you simply can't save the fetus either way!

Republicans in America will fight to protect 15-week-old unborn babies.

But they do not realize that fully grown women die because they want an abortion and have no access to a doctor.

They will get an abortion from an untrained person on the street- and die.

No one wants to get an abortion.

If som

Republicans will protect an unborn baby.

Democrats are trying to save the mother.

Stop asking us if a fetus is a person.

Fully grown women- teenage mothers and rape victims- who are too scared to raise a child are dying.

Stop telling us that Democrats want to kill people by supporting abortion.

I'm sorry to sound so harsh.  I don't want to hurt anyone.  It hurts me to see people trying to make us afraid of the very people who are trying to save us.

For Democrats are trying to save us from more important things right now.  (2021)

We are trying to save lives.

And these are not the only lives ruined by Donald Trump and his haters.

Abortion is not an important issue to me.  It is only important because that is why people hate Liberals.  People hating Liberals and supporting haters instead is the important issue to me!  Donald Trump only cares about a fetus until it is born!  After that he could care less if it dies!

I'm sorry for the hard words.  Know that God loves you and so do I!  I just hate to see people suffering!  All this hate makes me want to cry!  I wish people would go back to loving each other like we did before 9/11 in the late 90's!  Or better, loving each other And being happy like we did back in the 80's before Gangster Rap and 1992!

I thank John McKain Republicans for supporting the true Love of Christ!  People like John McKain are still out there!

This is not the time to be bringing up divisive issues.

America's democracy is bleeding and dying.  We need to help President Biden save our democracy!  This is not the time for divisive issues!

Countless lives have been ruined by Donald Trump and his haters- blacks barred from voting, children imprisoned on the border by Trump, and more.

Police who died on January 6, 2021 defending our Congress from Donald Trump.

Stop the hate!  Choose Life and Love!  Christ is not a hater and would not leave people to die!

Biden and Obama and Kamala Harris are leading the fight against Satan and every good Christian should at least not oppose them!

I apologize to people who are still ignorant and uninformed with regards to the abortion issue.  You are innocent.

I apologize to John McKain Republicans.  You are good people.  This does not concern you.  I thank you for supporting the true Love of Christ!

Stop the hate!  Choose Life and Love!  Choose the Love of Christ!

Support the fight against Satan!

And Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin!  The people involved, even Donald Trump himself, are just lost sheep that have been led astray!

It is their actions that are Satan!  Love the Sinner, hate the Sin!

Only Love can heal our World!


David S. Annderson

P.S. I'm sorry for sounding so harsh.  It hurts me so to see people trying to make us afraid of the very people who are trying hardest to save us.  Biden and Obama are trying to save us.  Trump is hurting us.  It hurts me to see people trying to make us afraid of the people who are trying hardest to save us.  God help poor tired America!  Thank you, Lord.