Black History Month this year has a theme?  Really?  Does that mean we can't teach all of Black History?

It is 2023, and I just learned that this year's theme in Black History is 'Black resistance'.

I was all set to teach people of a Black Empire in Black Africa that ruled over a thousand miles of rich Africa for well over 300 years with bigger cities than Europe in the time of the Renaissance.

A very real Empire from real African history that began as the Mali Empire and in time became the Songhai Empire.

But I guess I can't.

Because it doesn't fit with the theme.

Because when Black people are on top, it is not 'resistance'.

But you know what?

My book is already published.

On my Deviantart page, in installments.

I guess it just wasn't published for Black History Month.

What is the point of Black History Month if we aren't allowed to teach everything in Black history?

Because that is what we are doing when we give Black History Month a theme.

Then we cannot teach of people like Jimi Hendrix.

Because Jimi Hendrix was not leading a resistance.

Because it is not resistance when you are ruling like a King.

And Jimi Hendrix was King of Woodstock Nation.

And not just the Black part.

Dream big.

Learn who Emperor Mansa Musa is.

Don't limit yourself to leading a resistance.

Find yourself a Kingdom

And Rule it like a Queen

Rule it like a King

Be a King of Astronomy

Be a Queen of Jazz

Bring it to all like Emperor Mansa Musa did and rejoice!

And don't define yourself by an Enemy who you are Resisting.

Define yourself by You

Define yourself by the Love you give and the Wisdom you teach

Define yourself by something that represents you

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

Big Media wants to limit Black History to a theme and it is Internet culture that they think is toxic?  Really?  Because I find all kinds of nice things on the Internet!

P.S. The book is called 'A Hundred Beautiful Kingdoms Just Like Wakanda' and you will find it in the 'National Histories- Africa' box!  And it is one of two books on African history in the box- all of it south of the Sahara!  (the books north of the Sahara will be elsewhere!)