Do this the next time you think about racism

Are you non-'white' and hurt by racism?

Do this the next time you are hurt by racism:

Racism was started by 'white' slave owners, slave traders, and Imperialists in the 19th Century.

Picture that 'white' guy from the 19th Century meeting you in 21st Century LA or New York City, you driving up in a Toyota playing recorded music.

Do you really think he will see all that and think that he is superior?

Or will he think that you are an aristocrat from another planet, 500 years ahead of his own?

Do this the next time you are hurt by racism!

And remember: it wasn't just the 'white' guys that developed all that!

There were people like you working in NASA in Al Shepard's time!  Look up Katherine Johnson, Julius Montgomery, and Frank Crossley!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. It don't have to be a Ferarri or a Cadillac.  Just a Toyota.

P.P.S. are you 'white' and hurt by anti-'white' racism?  Do the same thing, with yourself and a non-'white' friend driving up in the Toyota, for it's still caused by that same guy from the 19th Century in the end!  The person who is the direct cause of your pain is only a victim of that same guy from the 19th Century, take it out on him and prove yourself superior to his 19th Century ass, for he is the real cause of it all!