Latin America (Late 1800s)

The relationship between Latin American and U.S. was one that had began in the late 1800s. During this time the U.S. had took control over Puerto Rico, Philippines and Guam. Around the same time the United States then establish control over the smaller countries such as Cuba the Dominican Republic and Panama. The United States liveliness with Latin America helped the growth of the country grow much stronger in the last quarter of the 19th century. During the end of Reconstruction, the "island communities" had economic changes that tied into that of the United States. The American economy went from small businesses to one big international network. After the Spanish American war was over the U.S. tried to negotiate with Latin America. In the late 19th century, the U.S. was upgraded with technology and communications. People like Cyrus McCormick and John D. Rockefeller were supporting the idea that we needed global expansion. Then, the United States looked toward Latin America for new American-made products. America was becoming stronger than any other country. After 1898, the U.S. used imperialism to make a continental empire in the late 19th century that would make them even more powerful and have other countries providing for them.

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