Effects The League of Nations Had On The World

The League of Nations main goal was to maintain order and settle disputes among countries. The league of Nations which was formed with the help of president Woodrow Wilson had many success as well as failures. The league was seen as an overseer to other countries. They stood for peace and justice. The League helped many countries settle many minor disputes such as the Aland islands ownership between Finland and Sweden. The League also used collective security to maintain peace. Collective Security works by each country promising not to attack one and another and to defend each other if one country were to attack a League country. Continuing on, the League also enforced the treaty of Versailles which also promoted peace and safety. The League from 1920 to 1946 has not been as successful as Woodrow Wilson originally planned, Nonetheless the League was effective for minor international problems. During The 1930s and the Japanese invasion of China, the League was Shook when they realized they're ineffectiveness on major world issues.