Key Figures

Key figure from the Spanish American war:

    • Josiah Strong - He was a clergyman and writer who urged Americans to spread to the west. People who favored global expansion was inspired by Josiah's work.

    • Jose Rizal - Jose fought to reform the Spanish government. He was known for his book "Noli Me Tangere" which led him to his execution. His execution rose the Filipino independence movement. Soon it attracted national awareness and Jose was considered to be a revolutionary Filipino.

    • Andres Bonifacio - He was a key leader in the Filipino revolutionary struggle against Spain.

    • Enrique Dupuy de Lome - He is the person who wrote the letter that was intercepted by a Cuban rebel that called William McKinley "Weak" and a "bad politician".

    • Maximo Gomez - He was a key leader of the Cuban Liberation Army. He also lead Cuban into the Ten Years' War.

    • William McKinley - He is the 25th President of the United States. He asked Congress to declare war on Spain on April 1898.

    • Emilio Aguinaldo - He was a Filipino general who played a big role in the Philippine Revolution against Spain. Later he led Philippine forces against American forces.

    • Theodore Roosevelt - He is the the 26th President of the United States. He formed a military regiment that fought against Spain in Cuba.

    • John Hay - John served as President Abraham Lincolns assistant and secretary of state under President William McKinley. He helped prepare the Treaty of Paris which ended the Spanish American war.

    • Orville H. Platt - He was a republican senator which made the 1901 amendment that established the conditions for American withdrawal from Cuba.