
1830 - the sugar industry was introduced to Hawaii

1840 - A constitutional monarchy was established, stripping the Hawaiian monarch of his power

1844 - Sanford B. Dole was born

1887 - A U.S Naval base was made at Pearl Harbor

- Sugar exports to the U.S expanded

1891 - Queen Liliuokalani rose to the throne & replaced the constitution with a new constitution increasing her personal authority

1893 - The "committee of safety" organized by Sanford Dole staged a coup against Queen Liliuokalani with support from the U.S. In this committee there was U.S and British members and 6 non native Hawaiian member.

- Hawaii was proclaimed as a protectorate

- A treaty of annexation was sent to the U.S Senate and was opposed

1898 - The Spanish-American started

1900 - Hawaii was a formal U.S territory

1959 - Hawaii became the 50th state