Timeline: U.S Involvement with Latin America

La Reforma: Was a war in Mexico where Benito Juarez lead a fight for a Mexican constitution and bill of rights for it's Citizens

Cinco de Mayo: Celebrated as a national holiday. This is the year when the Mexican defeated French, British, and Spanish troops to free themselves from debt.

Coffee Rush: Brazil's economy boomed as they became the provider of over half of all the coffee in the world.

Spanish- American War: America felt sympathy for small Caribbean countries under Spanish control. Fueled by a desire to tap into resources in these countries they liberated Cuba, the Phillpines, Puerto Rico, Guam, and Hawaii.

Panama Canal: The U.S liberated Panama from the Colombians and built a canal to easily transport goods from South America to the U.S.pan

January 1st, 1860

January 1st, 1862

March 26, 1875

March 23, 1898

November 3, 1903