Reciprocity Treaty of 1875

Before Hawaii was a part of The United States of America it was called the Hawaiian Kingdom. The Reciprocity treaty of 1875 allowed for Hawaii to become a part of The Unites states of America. This treaty was a treaty between the Hawaiian Kingdom and The United States that allowed for free-trade agreement the guaranteed a duty-free market for Hawaiian sugar. The United states benefited because they got special economic privileges that were denied to other countries.

Benefits For Hawaii

Benefits for The Unites States

  • Steady business

  • No tax on Hawaiian sugar (means more Americans bought Hawaiian sugar)

  • Hawaii can't sell sugar to anyone else

  • Hawaii cant sign any more reciprocity treaties with any other countries

  • Strengthened its business interests in the the Islands

Some might say that the Reciprocity treaty was an unfair treaty because Hawaiians were kind of imprisoned to America. Also when the reciprocity Treaty was renewed in 1887 the United States received exclusive rights to enter and establish a naval base at Pearl Harbor. This agreement eventually allowed to overthrow the kingdom of Hawaii. This treaty lasted for 7 years.