What is the significance of the Monroe Doctrines

The significance of the Monroe doctrine during the period from 1890 to the early years of the twentieth century. The united states spread its control, direct and indirect, over South America and the pacific. The U.S act as a big brother for Latin America, aimed to rally Latin American nations behind U.S leadership and open their markets to U.S traders. It played a significant role during a cold war- Cuban missile crisis- stops Soviet Union- the installation of the soviet ballistic

missiles on Cuban soil. The doctrine was put to use in 1895 when there was a territorial dispute between British Guiana and Nicaragua. The U.S declared that “today the United States is practically sovereign on this continent”. In 1904 Britain and Germany was imposed a naval blockade of Venezuela as they had failed to repay their loan. Roosevelt forced Britain and Germany to lift the Blockade. Because of the Doctrine the U.S alone had the right to intervene in the affairs of her neighboring countries when they were unable to maintain order on its own.