Key Event

June 28, 1914 - Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated in Sarajevo. His death is the event that sparks World War I.

Apr 22, 1915 - Germans Fire

The Germans fired shells filled with chlorine gas at Allied lines. This is the first time that large amounts of gas are used in battle, and the result is the near-collapse of the French lines. However, the Germans are unable to take advantage of the breach.

Sep 15, 1916 - First Tanks

The British employ the first tanks ever used in battle, at Delville Wood. Although they are useful at breaking through barbed wire and clearing a path for the infantry, tanks are still primitive and they fail to be the decisive weapon, as their designers thought they would be.

May 18, 1917 - Selective Service Act

Congress passes the Selective Service Act authorizing the draft. Although criticized for destroying democracy at home while fighting for it abroad, President Wilson claims he sees no other option and signs the bill into law.

Nov 9, 1918 - Armistice Day

An Armistice is signed ending fighting on the Western Front.