
02/1895- Cuba is struggling for it's independence from Spain

02/15/1898- U.S.S. Maine explodes and the United States Blames Spain

04/09/1898- Spain will allow Cuba to have a limited self-government. They stopped fighting with Cuba.

04/11/1898- President McKinley asked the congress to declare war on Spain.

04/20/1898- The Teller amendment is passed and it states that the U.S. cannot annex Cuba.

04/24/1898- Spain has declared war on the United States.

04/25/1898- The united States has declared war on Spain.

05/1898- The United States destroyed Spain's ship.

07/1898- Teddy Roosevelt attacks Spain on the southern coast of Cuba (San Juan Hill)

07/17/1898- Spanish fleet is destroyed in the Caribbean. Spain then agrees to stop fighting and sign a cease-fire agreement that has unofficially ended war.

09/12/1898- War comes to an end.

09/13/1898- The U.S. Troops capture Manila (Philippine Capital). Spain surrenders and lets the United States take control of the Philippine.

12/10/1898- War has officially come to an end with the Treaty of Paris being signed by both the U.S. and Spain. This treaty gave the U.S Guam, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico for $20 million.

01/03/1899- Philippines declares itself and independent republic and the Philippine American War begins. It ends in the United States winning and the Philippines pleging its allegiance to the American government.

1900- United States set up a government in Puerto Rico

1902- The U.S. leaves Cuba to be a free country. The Treaty of Paris said that the U.S cannot make Cuba part of the United States.