Timeline Fall 2013


June 7- In Philadelphia, Congress gets a letter from Richard Henry Lee talking about wanting independence.

June 11- Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Sherman, and Livingston formed a committee to create a draft.

June 12-27- Requested by everyone in the committee, Thomas Jefferson writes a draft and gets reviewed.

June 28- The draft, from the entire committee, gets sent to Congress and is read over.

July 1-4- Congress edits and finalizes Declaration of Independence.

July 2- Congress declares independence against Britain, and army is sent to New York.

July 4- In Philadelphia, Congress approves the Declaration of Independence. Dunlap prints 24 copies, which are now called "Dunlap Broadsides".

July 5- First few copies get sent to the legislatures of New Jersey and Delaware.

July 6- The first newspaper rendition of Declaration of Independence in Pennsylvania.

July 8- In Philadelphia, the first reading of the document occurred.

July 9- Washington gives an order that the reading should be done in front of the army in New York.

July 19- Declaration is finally signed by all members.

August 2- Delegates sign a copy of the document.

( http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/timeline.htm )