How it affected the United States

Woodrow might of left the White House broken physically, but serenely Wilson left an enduring legacy. His transformation of the basic objective of American foreign policy from isolation to internationalism, his success in making the Democratic Party a "party to reform," and his ability to shape public opinion changed modern presidency. His wartime program became a model for the New Deal's fight against the Great Depression in the 1930's. Under Wilson's plans the League of Nations was to consist of 42 Allied countries. Signed on June 18, 1919, the Treaty of Versailles outlined several provisions for peace. Wilson was looked at, as a worldwide hero when he went to Europe to fight for his 14 points.

Foreign leaders did question how the Fourteen Points could apply to the real world and some leaders did not want to accept the proposal because they felt as if it was an aim for war.The Fourteen Points affected the United States foreign policy because the points were made to establish a common agreement of peace dealing with several countries.The Fourteen Points sought to create world peace and the proposal had somewhat of a change on the views of other countries.