Peace Conference at Versailles Spring 2012

The Peace Conference at Versailles was a diplomatic meeting that took place in the Palace of Versailles near Paris in 1919, with the purpose of negotiating a peace treaty. Leaders from 32 nations were present, but the negotiations were led by the Big Four (U.S., Britain, France, and Italy), which consisted of the Allied Powers that defeated the Central Powers. While the Allied and Central Powers had agreed on an armistice, a conference was held to officially settle the conflict and the international disputes that instigated the war. Germany was deemed responsible for provoking the war, so the Allied Powers sought to impose severe obligations on Germany to reduce their power and prevent future aggression. This is an example of our foreign policy during times of war as President Wilson, representing the U.S., advocated the League of Nations and the Treaty, as he believed it would maintain peace, prevent future wars, and thus, allow us to steer clear of troubles overseas.