The Treaty of Versailles

  • Initially, the U.K, France, and Italy battled together as allies during the first war. While the U.S joined the war by the year of 1917, as an associated power beside the allies. Many treaty negotiations grew unstable due to non-involvement. When Bolshevik decided to repudiate the Russians financial debts & unveiled the text discussing how the allies were concerned that the post-war made the government initially not descry the Bolshevik government. Causing the allies to not invite the Bolshevik to join the peace conference along with Germany, Turkey, Bulgaria, Austria, and Hungary. This new Treaty Versailles required the German government to surrender about 10% of its post-war territory in Europe, including their overseas belongings. This caused the city of Danzig & Saarland to be initially overseen by the league of nations. By generally allowing the process that France continued to do until 1935, this included exploiting economic valuables. When this stopped in 1935 this caused a limitation on the German army and navy. Because of the article 231 of the treaty the Germans had no choice but to accept full responsibility for their engagement in starting the war & had to pay off financial damages.