Fall 2013: How Yom kippur affected the world/U.S

How did the war affected the world?

The Yom Kippur war affected the world by basically putting everyone on edge mostly United Nation, Egypt , Syria, Soviet Union, and United States. The war started between Syria and Egypt Vs. Israel, Syria and Egypt was supported by soviet Union and Israel was supported by United Sates. Soviet union and United States had several conflicts such as " if you sent your troops so will I". This first conflict brought Soviet Union to back down for a while. Slowly the war started to spread towards the United Nations and by the request from Egypt to Soviet Union to request United Nations to sent a cease-fire. The first cease-fire was a failure, causing United Nation to become more edge to stop the war. The second time United Nation sent out a cease- fire it had failed once again. As a result Soviet Union threaten U.S by saying they will sent their troops to support the Egyptian( hoping U.S will back down and the war would end). United Sates respond back with the complete opposite surprising reaction Soviet Union was hoping for. United sates threaten the Soviet with a even more higher alert " if you sent your troop we will release our nuclear weapons". This cause the Soviet Union to withdraw the next day. In conclusion the affect of this war was putting everyone on edge especially by the United States threat of nuclear weapons basically put countries fear for a WW III.

How did the War Affect U.S ?

Foreign policy is a decision and actions a county make outside its borders.

United States take foreign policy to heart for the Israel Yom Kippur War in 1973 against Egypt and Syria . Yom Kippur didn't had much as a negative affect on U.S but more positive affect. For example the negative affect of the war was money cost/ military supplies but was not a big issue at the time. In addition the positive affects of the war was pretty much power in my opinion. For instance United States could not control the Soviet Union supplying Egypt , but they did prevent the Soviet of bring their soldier to support Egypt twice . In my opinion United States basically have the war right in their hands. For example by supplying Israel , Israel was able to recapture their territory, preventing the soviet from bring their troop buy threating to bring American troops, and lastly the threat of nuclear weapon if the soviet bring their troops to support the Egyptians. By the last treat of nuclear weapon the Yom Kippur end on October 258,1973 bring victory to Israel.