Key Events

- In 1786, the United States signed a peace treaty with Morocco

- In 1794, money is raised by congress (1 Million Dollars) to buy peace with the Barbary states

- In 1795, the United states signed a treaty with Algiers

- In 1796, the United states signed a treaty with Tripoli

- In 1797, the united states signed a treaty with Tunis

-December 1800, the ruler of Tripoli, Yusuf Karmanli, told the U.S. to either increase the tribute to $225,000 or face war

- February 17th, 1801, Thomas Jefferson became the president of the United States

- President Jefferson ordered a squadron led by Richard Dale to blockade Tripoli and attack any interfering Barbary ship.

- War ended in a Treaty negotiation that was ratified by the senate on April 12th, 1806.