Annexation of Hawaii Fall 2011

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The annexation of Hawaii in 1998 expanded the U.S. beyond its borders and helped them in their rise as a Pacific Power. As a result of this unity the U.S. was now able to call Hawaii as apart of their land.

Key Figures

Queen Lili’uokalani - Last monarch of Hawaii

William McKinley - Representative of Ohio

Congressmen during that time period.

Key Events

McKinley Tariff - Named after Representative of Ohio, William McKinley, put a tax of nearly 50% of imported goods. Also known as the Tariff Act of 1890.

July 4, 1894 - The Repulic of Hawaii is created and the President of the island is James Dole.

January 5, 1895 - An armed revolt was attempted to stop Hawaii from being annexed. The leader of this revolt, Queen Lili’uokalani, was placed in jail.

August 12, 1898 - Hawaii is now an official territory of the United State.

Time Line -

-The timeline goes into detail of what happened from when Hawaii was just founded to when it became apart of the United States.

Video -

This video goes is about what was happening before, during and after the annexation of Hawaii.
