Battlefield - Vietnam War - Fall 2011

1962: America's first mission against the Vietcong. Helicopters, sent by the U.S containing 1,000 southern Vietnamese soldiers invade near Saigon.

1963: Almost 400 southern Vietnamese are killed or wounded along with American soldiers from the Vietcong ambushing the 7th devision.

October 1964: China, who is North Vietnams ally text an atomic bomb.

November 1st 1965: Two days before the U.S presidential election, 4 Americans are killed and 76 are wounded due to the Vietcong.

February 10th 1965: A Vietcong bomb explodes in a hotel, killing 23 American servicemen.

July 1966: Brutal attack kills nearly 1,600 North Vietnamese troops.

September 14th 1966: An operation called Operation Attlerboro begins lasting six weeks and killing more that 1,000 Vietcong and 150 Americans.

February 22nd 1969: Artillery and assault teams attack American bases in South Vietnam, killing 1,140 American soldiers.