Key Events

Boston Massacre

The battle took place March 5, 1770 when the British soldiers and a crowd of colonists in Boston. Nine British soldiers open fire to the crowed wounding six men who were peaceful colonists this further increased anti-British sentiment in the colonies.

Took place on December 16, 1773 70 men boarded on three British ships in the Boston harbor then threw their cargo tea. This event later led to events that caused the Interdependence

Took place on April 18, 1775. British governor of Massachusetts sent several hundred British troops to seize the colonists’ military stores at Concord. Local militiamen gathered at Lexington to intercept the British troops. the British were defeated and forced to withdraw to Boston.

Took place On July 4, 1776. Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence which formally proclaimed the 13 colonies as independent. Because originally Britain was not willing to give up its North American colonies

The American Revolution formally ended, took place September 3, 1783 when the British Empire finally accepted defeat.

Boston Tea Party

Battles of Lexington and Concord

Adoption of the Declaration of Independence

Surrender of Yorktown