Strengths And Weaknesses


There were some strengths in the League of Nations in the first few years of its existence. The league had sixty countries signed to its covenant. The league could also declare the wrongful behaviors of a country in public and the public would force it to stop, which was called "Moral Condemnation". The league could also get military assistance from other countries, if they needed, due to an agressor country's unwillingness to cease conflict.


The League of Nations also had many weaknesses, especially towards the end of its existence. One of their greatest weaknesses was that not all of the countries were joined with them. Also, the league was losing its power due to the countries still inter-trading with each other during the depression. The other countries were finding it easier to disregard their rules. The league also did not have an army of their own and because of this, sometimes they were very slow to react to certain issues and countries started to trust and respect them less.