
1758 - On April 28, 1758: James Monroe was born.

1776 - He dropped out from school to fight from Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War.

1780 - He studied law under Thomas Jefferson.

1782 - He became the Virginia representative to the Congress of the Confederation.

1786 - He married Elizabeth Kortright.

1790 - He became the U.S. senate.

1793 - He brought a farm called "Highland".

1794 - He was appointed as France minister by President George Washington.

1799 - He became the governor of Virginia.

1803 - James Monroe helped to purchase Louisiana territory.

1814 - White House was burned by British.

1815 - On September 26, 1815: Holy Alliance treaty was signed by monarchs of Austria, Prussia and Russia.

1817 - In 1817: James Monroe was elected as United States president.

1818 - White House was rebuilt.

1831 - July 4, 1831: James Monroe was died.