
Starting a Nation

On September 3rd, 1783 the treaty of Paris was signed. Not only did it make peace between Great-Britain and the colonies of America, but it also got Britain to recognize America as it's own territory. After which, America made the Articles of Confederation. The precursor to the constitution, it was too free based and because of how it was made people were rioting and rebelling, and the state could not do anything to stop it. To rectify this, a group of congress men came together and the Constitution of the United States.

Organizing the Nation

The constitution was made in May of 1787, and it's a document that still works to this very day. A document that was made to give an equal amount of power to the common people, the federal government, and the state government. It gave the common people of America a role to play in their country, and made the government something that was supposed to work for and protect the people.

Foreign Policy

As the country was made, foreign policy was already beginning to arise, and would soon be affecting the nation in a bigger way. Arguably the first appearance of Foreign Policy in America would be the Treaty of Paris, which made peace between the new country and the now foreign one, Britain. Now that the people were going to have a role in their government, they would have to learn more about Foreign Policy, and figure out what stance they had on the topic.