Key Figures

Emilio Aguinaldo

Aguinaldo was the Philippines' revolutionary leader. He also declared

the independence of the Philippines' which was on June 12th. Aguinaldo

was also responsible for establishing an organization which is called Veterans

of the Revolution while running for presidency in 1935.

Albert J. Beveridge

This gentleman is known as one great imperialists. He served as an advocate

of the United States imperialism overseas. He strongly believed that the Philippines

was a territory that belonged to the United States. He served as a supporter of the

annexation of the Philippines and campaigned for the construction of a new navy as well.

Artemio Ricarte

Ricarte was labeled as the Father of the Philippine War. In fact, the second stage of

the war was planned by Ricarte and other important figures. When all else failed he

was the figure who picked up the pieces and put them back together in a different way.

He fought hard for the Philippines.