Key Figures

The main people who were involved in the Iraq war was: President Bush, President Saddam Hussein, and President Obama.

    • President Bush declared war against Iraq on March 19,2003, followed by a bombing in Baghdad.

    • President Saddam Hussein was accused of harboring and helping Al Qaeda, but definite evidence was ever found.

    • President Barack Obama-in late February 2009, newly elected U.S. President Barack Obama announced a 18 month with drawl window for combat forces, with a estimation of 50,000 troops staying in the country, to advise, train Iraqi security forces and to supply intelligence and surveillance.

    • Nouri al-Maliki was the person to sign Saddam Hussein`s death warrant on the date of 12/30/2006.

    • Taha Yassin Ramadan-was the vice president of Iraq during the rein of Saddam Hussein.

    • Colin Powell-from 1/20/2001 to 1/26/2005 he was the U.S. Secretary.