How Does it Affect the World?

The Monroe Doctrine was delivered by James Monroe in his 7th Annual Message to Congress

- Europe could no longer colonize other countries in the Latin region and developing countries

- If any attempt was made to do so, the U.S will respond with what is necessary to prevent the process

- The U.S. will not intervene in European conflicts.

Wars and battles were fought for countries to gain their independence. America received their independence from Great Britain with the Revolutionary War. This revolutionized America and America sought to stop monarchy rule from one country on to another to stop world domination from one country. Others challenged this theory such as the War of 1812 between the French and America. After the war, thus speculating a compromise with other nations trying to fight for independence, John Quincy Adams had influenced what we now know as the Monroe Doctrine.

The Monroe Doctrine influenced the productivity on making the United States of America a powerhouse of a nation. President Roosevelt reaffirmed the doctrine by adding the Roosevelt Corollary in 1904. The Roosevelt Corollary stated that cases of any wrongdoing to a Latin America country, the United States will become involved. this served as an alliance and allowed America and Latin America to share a healthy relationship. Since this being established, America has gotten involved with this affairs.

The Monroe Doctrine of 1823