
1607: Virginia Company Lands and establishes Jamestown colony

December 1620: Pilgrims arrive in Plymouth,MA

1755-1762: French and Indian War

October 7, 1763: The Royal Proclamation

April 5, 1764: Parliament passes the Revenue Act

June 2, 1764:Quartering Act

March 22, 1765: Passage of the Stamp Act

March 18,1776:Repeal of the Stamp Act

July 2, 1767: Passage of the Townsend Acts

March 5,1770: The Boston Massacre

May 10,1773: Passage of the Tea Act

December 16,1773: Boston Tea Party

March 21-May 20,1774: Passage of the Coercive Acts

April 19, 1775: Battles of Lexington and Concord

August 23,1775:King George lll declares colonies in open rebellion

June 7-July 2, 1776:Presentation and passage of the Lee Resolution

July 4, 1776: Adoption of the Declaration of Independence

July 5, 1776: Declaration of Independence Distributed Around the Colonies

August 2, 1776: Declaration of Independence "Engrossed" on Parchment and Signed

September 3, 1783: The Treaty of Paris and the End of the Revolutionary War

July 2, 1787: Full ratification of the United States Constitution