Important Individuals

Ho Chi-Minh

Bao Dai

Lyndon B. Johnson

Ngo Dinh Diem

Ho chi-minh was born on May 19, 1890. He was born in Hoang Tru in central Vietnam. In 1945 he ran for the first president of the republic and he declared Vietnam's independence.

“You can kill ten of our men for every one we kill of yours. But even at those odds, you will lose and we will win.”

-Ho Chi_Minh

Bao Dai was born of October 22, 1913. Bao was the son of the emperor Khai Dinh. He was educated in France and received his the throne in 1920. He is important because he was the last emperor of Vietnam.

"I would prefer to be a citizen of an independent country rather than an enslaved country."

-Bao Dai.

Lyndon Baines Johnson was born August 27. 1908. In 1931 he served as a congressional secretary for the present. He was present from November 22, 1963 to January 20, 1970. Lyndon was important because was the 36th present of the United States and he sent well over 500,000 military troops to Vietnam.

"Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time."

-Lyndon B. Johnson

Ngo was born of January 3, 1901. In 1955 he came president because he joined the U.S.-Backed government. He is important because he was an anti-communist, he murders countless amount of Buddhist which had caused the U.S. not to support him anymore.

"Follow me if I advance. Kill me if I retreat. Revenge me if I die."

-Dgo Dinh Diem