Key Events

Passage of the Stamp Act 1765- Stamp tax act put tax on printed material like newspapers

Boston Massacre- British soldiers fired at Colonist protesters and enforce the anti-British settlement

Boston Tea Party- To protest about tax, 70 people take tea shipment and put it into sea

Passage of the Intolerable Acts- It closed Boston harbor for all shipping

Convocation of the First Continental Congress- 12 Delegates of colonies met to talk about the new act the British place. By the second meeting it was clear the war would take place.

Battles of Lexington and Concord- British forces try to take Lexington and Concord but American have force them back to Boston

Adoption of the Declaration of Independence- Declaration of Independent was drafted by Thomas Jefferson for the 13 colonies to be independence but Britain don't want to give up on North American Colonies

Battles of Saratoga- American Forces prevent the British army to group together. After the victory it turn war to American and encourage France to help them

Surrender of Yorktown- commander Lieutenant General Lord Cornwallis surrender after knowing he was trap by American and France

Signature of the Treaty of Paris- It signed in 1783. It make America its own country and boundaries from British