Foreign Policy Wikis Spring 2012

History of U.S. Foreign Policy

Introduction: In our text we reviewed three key turning points of foreign policy: the Spanish – American War, World War I, and post-World War II (Cold War), but there are so many more critical foreign policy events that shaped our country and in turn the world.

Task: Students will be creating a wiki space about an assigned foreign policy topic. A wiki space is an editable web page. You will be collaborating with a partner to create something unique and informative. The audience will be your fellow students…and the world!

Directions: The following are the recommended steps in creating a your wiki:

1. Go to your school email account and find the invitation I sent you to edit our wiki.

2. Follow that link to our wiki.

3. Open google docs to see what you’re topic is.

-Consider the helpful links and Google to research your topic. Take notes as you go and save the source in your favorites for citing later.

4. Plan out your homepage –, click ‘edit page’, write your summary of your topic. Include pictures on your homepage.

5. Make links on your homepage. Think of at least four main sub-topics to focus on. Title those subtopics and create a page that it will link to.

6. To create a new page, click on ‘link’, ‘Existing page’, + ‘Create new page’, under ‘new page title’, name the page what your sub-topic is, click ‘create page’, and ‘ok’.

7. Click ‘save’.

8. Repeat step 6 to make your other sub-topic pages. Click save when you have created them.

9. Click on each sub topic list and click ‘edit page’, type information about the subtopic in your own words, include pictures in each sub topic page.

10. Go back to table of contents on the home page, click ‘edit page’, create a sub-topic page titled, ‘sources’ or ‘work cited’. Make links of where you go your information. To do this click ‘edit page’, type ‘sources’, click on link, ‘web address’, paste in the address of the web page you used, click ‘ok’. Click ‘save’.


FCA #1: (10 points) You have a homepage that properly summarizes of your topic in four key sentences or more in your own words. This includes a discussion of how your topic is related to U.S. foreign policy.

FCA #2: (8 points) You home page contains at least four links (a table of contents). The links should be sup-topics of your topic. For example:

-Key figures

-Key events

-How it affected the world

-How it affect the United States


-Related events or topics

FCA #3: (20 points) You have relevant key information in each of your sub-topic links. Information must be in your own words and will be a minimum of a paragraph in your own words.

FCA #4: (5 points) You have a sources link in your table of contents in which at least five web sources have links to the given website.

FCA #5: (10 points) Your wiki is a rich tapestry of visual information: pictures and/or video. Every page you make has at least one picture on it. You page looks good with lots of relevant visuals.

FCA #6 (7 points) Your website is nicely organized and easy to navigate

FCA # 7 (10 points) The revision history of the site shows that you log in several times, made several edits, spent time working on the site as you shared work with others who are editing your assigned topic.

Total: ______/70